What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner's GuideWhat Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner's Guide
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What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner’s Guide




Digital coaching has taken the internet by storm in the last few years, but it’s difficult to figure out what digital coaching actually entails – and what sets it apart from the more traditional forms of coaching. In this article, I’m going to take you through all that digital coaching encompasses, as well as some of the pros and cons associated with the practice, to help you decide whether or not you want to pursue digital coaching as an avenue to reach your health and fitness goals – whatever they may be! – What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner’s Guide



Digital Coaching Definition


Digital coaching is a way for clients to have access to their coach at any time and from any location. This is possible because coaches can use technology like Skype and Google Hangouts to chat with their clients in real-time.


 Now that you know what digital coaching is, it’s important to know how it compares to other types of coaching. The term digital can be misleading because digital coaches don’t actually focus on technology or gadgets. While digital coaching requires some level of technology, a coach who uses only these tools isn’t considered a digital coach.



What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner's Guide
What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner’s Guide



Digital coaching types


Digital coaching can be divided into four different types: 1) digital mentoring, 2) online coaching, 3) social media management and 4) live video. Let’s take a look at each of these in turn.


 Online coaching includes both synchronous and asynchronous types. Synchronous means that you are working with your coach in real-time, via Skype or Google Hangouts, or through a chat tool like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. Asynchronous communication means that your coaching sessions occur when it’s convenient for you, so they can happen during normal business hours (for example) but also at other times of day or night.


 In social media management, a digital coach will set up your accounts, create and post content, respond to comments, schedule posts in advance and more. If you’re managing multiple business profiles or those of several people, then a virtual assistant is likely to be your best bet.



Why you need a coach


A lot of people are intimidated by starting a business because they’re afraid of making a mistake. It can be hard to know what to do when you’re not sure what you should be doing. That’s where digital coaching comes in. Digital coaching is just like face-to-face coaching, but it takes place over the internet instead of in person. If you want to find out more about how digital coaching can help your business and what it entails, read on for a beginner’s guide!


 There are a lot of benefits to digital coaching. For example, it allows you to schedule your own sessions based on when you have time. You can even take your sessions in breaks throughout your workday! If you’re already running a business, digital coaching might be just what you need to help get things started. As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, scheduling regular appointments shouldn’t be a problem. When they’re over, all of your notes will be stored so that they can be referred to later.


What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner's Guide
What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner’s Guide



How to find the right coach


In order to find the right coach for you, it is important to think about what your personal and professional goals are. For example, if you have a business idea that needs some guidance and you need help executing it, a digital coach might not be the best fit for you. You may want to look for someone who has experience in starting companies or doing similar work.


Digital coaching can be done by phone, Skype, or email.


 How to find a coach that fits your needs is to figure out what exactly it is you need. Have an honest conversation with yourself about what you want to get out of coaching and search for coaches who align with your goals, values, and mission.


How to find a coach that fits your needs – Second Paragraph: So how do you go about finding a professional coach who meets your specific needs?



How much does it cost?


Digital coaching can be a cost-effective way to get started. You can pay for a month, six months, or an entire year in advance and the price is determined by the number of sessions you want each month. For instance, if you buy a monthly package of 12 sessions for $199, that works out to about $16 per session.


 If your company offers a corporate or group rate, you can save money by signing up as part of a group. For example, LifeWorx offers an annual plan that includes unlimited visits and costs $1,599 for teams with 10 or fewer employees. For 11-19 employees, it’s $2,099; and for 20-30 employees, it’s $2,699.



What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner's Guide
What Is Digital Coaching? A Beginner’s Guide



Steps toward becoming an online coach yourself


Becoming an online coach is an excellent way to share your passions with the world while making a full-time income. After all, who doesn’t want more time, freedom, and income? To make this happen for yourself, you’ll need to do some research first. Here are the steps you need to take:


  1. Find Your Niche – What topics are you passionate about and knowledgeable about that people would be willing to pay for online coaching on those topics?




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Read Also : How To Grow Your Online Coaching Business In 10 Steps

By Admin

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